Nov 17
Windows Server 2016 Standard (Core) and SharePoint 2016–Part 2– Windows Identity Problems!

Windows Server 2016 Standard (which is CORE!) and SharePoint 2016… the quest continues…

Continuing on from my previous blog post on this matter…

Windows Identity Framework is causing me grief still…

I thought it may be that .NET 3.5

is not installed, so…  I tried installing I :) via:

C:\> dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

It installed fine :)

Also running Get-WindowsFeature works a treat!


So looking at Get-WindowsFeature, I can see that the web server role and .NET 4.6 are installed, along with all the other bits a pieces for a web server with .NET.

So, Next I tried to download the prerequisites and install them manually

Windows Identity Extensions gave me this:


Windows Identify Framework gave me this:


Great! Hmmm.

OK, so next step it to get what pre-prerequisites I can get installed… installed…. to do this, and not via the UI.. I’ve grabbed a Dan Holme’s SharePoint 2016 Offline prerequisites downloader PowerShell script from here and have set it running on the VM.


And…. My VM WITH a GUI.. is chugging along….



The quest continues!


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