Jul 24
Microsoft 365 Co-Copilot pricing

Microsoft have released some information re: Copilot pricing, it will be approx. $30USD, on top of an elidable plan, such as a M365 E3 or M365 E5 plan.

I wont do a huge post about this, as more than enough places have covered it, but I will give one insight, at $30USD+E3/5 it will put it out of reach for most businesses – However not ever user will need it, think of it like a PowerBI Pro license – Only those who need it, will need a license.

Will all of this change in the future? 100% as more people adopt, the technology becomes more mature and eventually more accessible.

AI is new, shiny and fracturing on pieces at the moment all with specific focuses in their model.

It will be interesting over the next few years to see how AI develops, as well as the response to it.


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